FinNifty Today Breakout Stocks

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FinNifty Today Breakout Stocks

Let’s see today’s Finnifty breakout and breakdown stocks. You can see daily ups and downs in Finnifty stocks from the chart below.
In this chart LTP is the currently trading price. Open is today’s opening price. CHNG is the difference between the initial price and the current trading price. %CHNG is the percentage change from the starting price. 10 DC is 10 days Change price. 50 DC means 50 days Change price. 200 DC is 200 days Change price.
How to find breakout stocks with this chart. If a stock has a 50-day price Change of -1 to 1, if the stock trades today it has a Change of 3% to 5%. The stock is likely to rise in the coming days. Investigating and trading it can yield 5% profit.

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